memory with flashdisk

Memory capacity can increase computer performance itself. if you felt less with memory capacity / existing louvre, you can add it from ware flashdisk. why can? . virtual memory, that's the answer. memory capacity increase / louvre with flashdisk this often called with memory virtual term. virtual memory has been addition 'memory to anticipate if data exist in memory / principal louvre' full. rules that must there motherboard and flashdisk must support usb 2.0, if still to use usb 1 so result that got less so appear. more maximal if flashdisk you will use use facilities ready boost. initially, ready boost be facilities for windows vista, but you can do it also in windows xp (imitation ready boost) as to its way: · pair flashdisk to computer · click right in my computer then choose properties · click tab advanced, then click button settings in box performance · in window that appear, click tab advanced then click button change in virtual box memory · chooses drive c, then choose no paging file. if continue with click button set · choose drive 'flashdisk you (for example drive f), usually given name removable menyk if you not yet give name in flashdisk. afterwards choose system managed size and continued with click button set · look at padakotak total paging file size for all drives. value recommended he don't exceed capacity flashdisk · if really more so you can put into total 'value from capacity flashdisk. its way click choice custom size then in initial size and maximum size loaded with total value from capacity flashdisk. you must remainder 5 - 6 mb. this be rules from windows xp itself. if, click button set · click ok then restart computer with tips this so you can maximise computer performance with make used ware flashdisk you have.

source: cerdaskomputer

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